Our annual recruitment drive is underway and we are asking residents to step forward and join the team to ensure our services remain strong. “Becoming a volunteer firefighter allows you to give back to your community, in their time of need,” said Graeme Lindsay, Deputy Chief with AVFR. Volunteer firefighters are the backbone of our community and help keep us safe in many other ways than just putting out fires. 

There are a ton of benefits to joining the volunteer department. This includes personal and leadership development, lifesaving first aid skills, and the reward of knowing you are helping out your community. In addition, our firefighters also receive on-call pay and are eligible for extended benefits. 

We are hiring for two positions – Firefighter 1 Exterior and Firefighter 1 Exterior Auxiliary. Exterior is for those who live at Apex full-time/year round and exterior auxiliary is for those who live seasonally on the mountain, but can still  attend training during the off-season. Main duties and responsibilities of the firefighter include:

• Know and understand the schedule a of Fire Department Operational Bylaw
• Drives and operates fire-fighting apparatus if trained
• Attends department scheduled training events
• Provides rescue and non-medical first responder actions to incidents as per department’s response protocols to the ability of their training
• Performs various fire suppression activities when requested
• May perform overhauling and security of premises after a fire has been extinguished
• Responds to incidents when requested
• Performs activities to assist in the return of all apparatus and equipment to service
• Meets on a regular basis with the Fire Chief and/or Supervisors
• Reports on activities or events either written or electronically when requested
• Willingness to learn new concepts and ideas
• Performing other general maintenance & cleaning duties and responsibilities when requested
• Works cohesively in a team oriented environment
• Display a willingness to participate in progressive (theory and practical) education
• Attendance to 100% Firefighter 1 training sessions (first year), 70% of total available practices and 40% callouts annually.

No experience is required – We provide the training and help new recruits through every step of the way. The only requirement is a commitment to your training. Application forms are available here or you can email [email protected] with any questions. If you are a permanent or seasonal resident at Apex and are interested in joining a group of dedicated individuals, we would love to hear from you. 

We are accepting applications until December 1.