A lot of you have probably been wondering what happens to the Apex Fire Brigade Society (AFBS) now that the RDOS and Apex Volunteer Fire Rescue (AVFR) have taken over the fire service operations and management of the fire services for the Apex community. The AFBS is still going to exist and carry on as a parallel non-profit organization to support the AVFR. Specifically, the purpose of the AFBS is:
● to provide supplemental planning, logistical and financial support to Apex Volunteer Fire Rescue for fire protection and emergency response services offered to the community of Apex.
● to act as an ongoing advisory group on behalf of the residents and businesses of the Apex community regarding the operations and finances of Apex Volunteer Fire Rescue.
● to engage in fire and public safety outreach and education to the Apex community, in coordination with Apex Volunteer Fire Rescue.
● to lead and coordinate all social activities and engagements associated with supporting Apex Volunteer Fire Rescue and its members.
This provides many opportunities for members of the community who wish to volunteer but not as firefighters. Together, volunteer members of the AFBS will share a selfless commitment to being there – ready to serve and support the AVFR and our community – when a crisis occurs. The Apex Fire Brigade Society Critical Support Unit volunteers are the backbone to ensuring that the Apex community is prepared for emergencies, emergency response capabilities remain functional, and our responders, residents and visitors are supported and cared for during times of crisis. Critical Support Unit volunteers are needed to support a variety of functions, for example:
● Logistics support (transportation, food, equipment)
● Short-term emergency social services support (accounting for, tracking, and providing support (shelter/food/water/warmth) to residents and/or visitors impacted by emergencies
● Grant proposal writing
● FireSmart and other community safety program coordination and
● Participation in community emergency planning
● Social event coordination
Even if you do not live at Apex Resort year-round, this is your chance to get involved! Let’s be prepared to support, or respond as part of our community’s first line of defense in crisis. There is a volunteer position for everyone! If you are interested, click here and fill out the CSU Volunteer application form.
Have any questions? Please email [email protected]
With Spring arriving, it’s time to get FireSmart about wildfires in our community! Are you ready for this year’s fire season? We’re here to support you in getting prepared when and where it counts. From cleaning your roof and gutter to moving firewood, there are surprisingly easy steps you can take to make your home FireSmart. AFBS and AVFR members can help you out by providing:
● FireSmart Home Partners wildfire assessments for your property
● Curbside vegetation debris chipping services
● FireSmart vegetation treatment and removal for property owners who are 65 and older
This year will also mark our third annual Wildfire Community Preparedness Day at Apex Resort on July 16th! As part of the event, we will be recognizing Lower Apex Road led by Apex local, Cindi Lou Baker, in joining the Clearview and Whitetail neighbourhoods as a Recognized FireSmart Neighbourhood. Stay tuned for more information! For more information about our FireSmart program, click here.